Fossil Great White Teeth

Showing 1–30 of 53 results

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Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #31
2 7/8" - Fossil Great White Toot with Dark Brown Root and Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #22
1 5/8+" - Fossil Great White Shark Tooth with Dark Brown Root with Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #39
1 15/16" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root, Silver Enamel .Excellent Specimen
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #33
2" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root, Silver Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #41
2  1/16" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Black Root, Charcoal Enamel .Razor Sharp Serrations
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #45
2  1/8" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root, Mottled Enamel .Razor Sharp Serrations
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #11
1 5/8" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root with Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #24
1 7/8" - Fossil Great White Toot with Mottled Brown Root and Mottled Brown Enamel - From North Carolina
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #32
2 1/4" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #47
2  3/8" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Tan Root, Mottled Enamel .Big Tooth
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #37
2 1/16" - Fossil Great White Toot with Brown Root and Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #28
1 3/4" - Fossil Great White Shark Tooth with Dark Brown Root with Green/Gray Enamel - Serrated
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #50
2  1/2" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root, Mottled Enamel .Big Tooth
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #40
1 15/16" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Charcoal Root, Charcoal Enamel.
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #48
2  1/4" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root, Silver Enamel .Great Contrast
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #52
2  1/2+" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Silver Enamel .Razor Sharp Serrations
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #34
2" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root with Mottled Brown Enamel
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #36
2 1/8" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root with Brown Enamel
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #53
2  5/8" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root, Silver Enamel .HUGE TOOTH
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #43
1 15/16" - Fossil Great White Toot with Dark Brown Root and Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #35
2 3/4" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Dark Brown Root, Mottled Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #29
2 1/16" - Fossil Great White Toot with Mottled Brown Root and Reddish Brown Enamel - Rare Color
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #30
2" - Fossil Great White Shark Tooth with Dark Brown Root with Green/Gray Enamel - Serrated
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #12
1 7/8" - Fossil Great White Shark Tooth with Dark Brown Root with Gray Enamel - Good Serrations
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #42
2 1/4" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root with Brown Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #46
2 1/2+" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Dark Brown Root with Charcaol Gray Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #51
2 1/2+" - Fossil Great White Tooth with Brown Root with Tan Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #38
2" - Fossil Great White Toot with Dark Brown Root and Bluish Gray Enamel - Rare Color - Summerville, SC
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #49
2 1/2" - Fossil Great White Shark Tooth with Brown Root with Tan Enamel
Fossil Great White Tooth
Fossil Great White Shark Tooth #44
2 1/8" - Fossil Great White Shark Tooth with Brown Root with Brown Enamel - Good Serrations - Pathologic(Deformed)
Fossil Great White Tooth
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