Why do Megalodon Teeth have Holes and Orange Spots

You may have seen shark teeth with holes in them or orange spots . These orange spots are created from various marine life that secrete a substance that is acidic and dissolves the calcium of the shark tooth enamel. Photo above The deep holes that you see can be caused by various Marine life

How Does a MEGALODON SHARK TOOTH Get Black Squigley Lines On the Enamel

The black squiggly lines you see on the Fossil Megalodon shark tooth above are created by a serpulid marine worm. The serpulid tube worm attaches itself to the surface of a megalodon tooth. All serpulids build hard tubes of Crystalline calcium carbonate and mucopolysaccharide matrix using glands located on the collar. These tube worms will …

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How much is a sharks tooth worth

There are different factors that determine the value of a shark tooth such as Size, condition, Colors, Locality, Media events such as shark week, Megalodon movies, Gifting occasions Christmas, birthdays, 2 or more very serious collectors battling over having the best specimens in their collections, etc. Here are the Factors that determine a sharks tooth …

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Why and How are Shark Teeth Polished?

Shark teeth are polished to add value. When polished, the shine contrast, and color can be very attractive.We have many collectors who collect Polished Megalodon. Through the decades they have always held their value to a commercial (whole tooth) Megalodon tooth. Most customers who buy Commercial commercial polished or natural teeth are looking for an …

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Have You Ever Wondered Why So Many Megalodon Teeth Have Peeled Enamel?

Barnacles lifting the enamel of a Megalodon shark tooth

In the above megalodon shark tooth photo, you can see barnacles that have attached themselves to the sharks teeth. These little guys are the primary factor that destroys the enamel on shark teeth.These barnacles love to fasten themselves to hard structures. You will see them attached to pylons, and boats, on the river and ocean …

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Types of Fossil Fish Teeth

Fossil shark teeth are the preserved remains of the teeth of ancient sharks that lived millions of years ago. These teeth provide valuable insights into the prehistoric world and the diversity of marine life that existed during different geological periods. Here’s a detailed description of fossil shark teeth: Appearance: Fossilized shark teeth come in a …

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Pathological or Mutated Shark Teeth

Pathologic shark teeth are developmental abnormalities that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic mutations, injuries, nutritional deficiencies, and disease. They are relatively common in the fossil record and can be found in sharks of all ages and species. Some of the most common types of pathologic shark teeth include: Pathologic shark …

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Why are Megalodon Shark Teeth so many different colors?

The Original color of these fossil shark teeth is gray from the Hawthorne Formation (ex: Megalodon shark Tooth on the far left). The Hawthorne Formation is generally light to dark-gray clay which was around in the Miocene /Pliocene Epoch approximately 2.5 to 5 million years ago. The Hawthorne Formation had excellent preservation conditions for fossilization Above I …

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